
Good ingredients, a palace, a heart, and friends are the pillars that Monsieur Gaston believes in.

A great steak requires only a few ingredients:  a fine cut of meat and the touch of a skilled chef who knows how to control the heat masterfully. At Gaston, our philosophy lies in celebrating the simple pleasures in life, and a perfectly cooked steak frites is high on the list. Though simple, we use carefully-sourced ingredients to bring out the best in each of our dishes.

Our signature dish pays homage to a French nobleman named Monsieur Gaston who is a passionate hunter and a generous aristocrat well-loved by his townsfolk. Steak Frites, a hallmark in any classic French restaurant noted for its juicy meat served alongside golden-fried hand-cut chips and best paired with a glass of superb wine, was one of the dishes he took pleasure in.

We welcome you to come in, take a seat, and unwind as you savor our delectable and authentic French fares for a truly unforgettable dining experience.

Location Mainstreet Ground Floor - 31

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